Sunday, October 25, 2009


Prod is a village in the county of Sibiu, Romania. It is located 7 km NE of a town called Hoghilag. It is a village that is neat, well organized and the population of the people living there are few.
We had our camp meetings in the church and on the field of a German Reformed church. The dormitory looks so nice to stay with all the facilities. We had many activities during the day and in the night. The camp ground has a large field which is about 200 feet in length and in width 100 feet were we had lots of game on the field.

The village is a good place for solitude. It's very quite all the time and there is no distractions or things that make someone loose focus or concentration.
There is no internet and no network for mobile phones. We go to the top of the hill to search for signals before we can make a phone call, send or receive a message.


  1. Thank you for your comments Moses - I am really interested to see your blog and hear about your village - will sign up to follow right now!


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