Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mission in Draganesti-Olt Orientation

We arrived safely in Draganesti-Olt in the night and lodged at the mission house. It was a good and comfortable house with everything we need.

Raul, is the Leader of the ministries (Raspandind Evangelia in Oltenia Romania) at Biserica Speranta (Hope Church). He came to welcome us that night and was happy we made it safely.

He gave us a warm greeting, introduced himself and gott to know us too. He shared about what they do, their goal, vision, and what is expected of us.
Their goal is to see the kingdom of God in this region. To cover the spiritual and Physical needs of people.
The Olt county has a population 500,000.  600 are christian and 0.02% are born again christian.
It has a total area of 5,498 km2 and the ministries cover 180 km2. Their Target is to plant churches in all the regions.

We went to serve in ministries and to be a part their vision. Our main role was to fix a piece in the puzzle.
Our Main Role
- Creating environment for people to come into the presence of God in worship.
 - 250 Older people with eye problems received glasses 2 weeks ago and we have to visit them, pray with them and minister  to them.
- Minister in churches
- Share bibles
- Organize the Nations Celebration Night.

Prayer for the week- God's kingdom to come in Draganesti-Olt.

                                               Front View of the Mission House we Lodge.

1 comment:

  1. Moses, thanks for following me at Just Because My Pickle Talks Doesn't Make Me and Idiot. I loved your profile introduction to yourself. I'm looking forward to following you on your trip to Romania. How wonderful that you are putting into action your words.


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