Monday, June 15, 2009


Gifts of nature gives joy and happiness when you see the beauty. The good looking and attraction grabs attention to appreciate what God create.

The Garden, a planned space set aside for the display and enjoyment of people, animals and other forms of nature integrate both natural and man-made materials for more eye-catching.

Generally, the most common form of garden is known as a residential garden. Some are for decorative purpose only, while some gardens also produce food crops at times in a separate location, or sometimes intermixed with the ornamental vegetation.

Food-producing gardens are notable from farms by their smaller scale, more labor-intensive methods, and their purpose is not for sale but for enjoyment.

The activity of growing and maintaining a garden is called gardening. This is done by a specialist known as a gardener who could be a professional or an amateur.

This awesome garden is situated in a park in Timisoara, Romania.

Photos taking on 02/05/2g009


  1. How strange a beautiful garden could be at night...

  2. amazing blog u have :D
    by looking at it, i see that u really appreciate life and always be grateful..
    btw, romania looks really cool..

  3. Looks like a perfect place to spend time. I love gardens big and small:)

  4. Hey Moses unfortunately I couldn't see the photos. I think I'm having a little server trouble. Will be back...blessings and peace to you.

  5. Beautiful. I expecially like the night shots of the garden.


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